Friday, June 19, 2009

not so good morning...

k I decided I have a relitavely eventful life.
wait actually, everyone has a eventful life. as of late, alot of stuffs been happening with everything alalala and basically I think living is fucking great. even the extremely horribly bad parts are fantastic, regardless how tough crap gets, good stuff always happens too. and it is basically a rollercaoster, I dunno it's weird being a human were all so emotionally driven and just kinda fucked up alot of the time haha its kinda of great.
wow I'm swearing alot.
I think I'm depressed right now at this moment. but I actually have a valid reason, teen angst isn't the catalyst for once. woo.
okay well lets start from the begining (always a good start), of my story of how life is so weird and un-expected mishaps and what have you are EVERYWHERE.

k well it was friday yesterday. mmmmm friday. so. okay, my frand alanah organised for everyone to go out to eat asian cuisine, so I went with my gal pal juni (hi juni) and courtney. hahah hardly all the peeps invited showed up but there was seven of us so thats a suffienct amount for a din dinz party. the food was amazingly awesome cos there was all these choices and I had never had malaysian food before but wow it's brilliant. it's like the hands of god where used to cook my noodles. amen!

heres sum picszszszszsz

yeah the evening was quite a win because we also stopped at a cd/music/dvd place yayaya and they had like a sale stall and as I am living in poverty, it was expected I go to that section... yeah anyways, I brought an album by the gossip which I'm listening to now. eh, her voice kinda fucks me off but it's kinda quirky I dunno maybe it's just cos beth ditto is actually god and it was the angels from da heavens telling me to by this cd. I dunno it's a little anti climax but then not? it's strange but I'm pretty sure I like it. music is pretty great right about now. I should light some incesnse. I feel like listening to led zeppelin!

mmm yeah and then there was a pink floyd dvd.. um dark side of the moon I'm pretty sure, $3.. hells yeah!
then afterwards four of us proceeded down to patricias house and we actually had like a raving session oh god if any saw what we where doing we probably looked like we were on speed. um. yeah. but rave music techo shit shit isn't half bad like yeah I mean it's pretty shit but it's awesome to dance to haha wow good night. so yeah. great. and then later in the night I had good conversations on msn ;D
I went to bed pretty much happy in my nappy and then this morning, at about 6.30 in the amz, I heard my cat crying ughhh it's the worst sound in the world like it's literally the sound of pure suffering and ugh it's just fuckign sick and I rememered the sound so well because last time I heard it my other cat back in the homeland meowed like that and he had to get put down...

so, I got up and patted the cat and my dad was trying to calm it down but fuck fuck the sound was awful and I actually cried and went back to bed cos yeah.
so my dad took it to the vet. and it had the same thing my other cat had, like a bladder infection like crystals in it's bladder I dunno something fucked up and an operation was mighty pricey and had no guarantee that it would be permanently cured.
my cat was put down this morning.
honestly. on a freakn sunny saturday morning. wth.

but I guess that was the point of this blog anyways, as my mum would say "life works in mysterious ways". tru dat lady.
I'm pretty cut and stuff. that cat was the shit. it could like roll over and would eat literally anything. no to mention it was the softest thing to cuddle, EVER. god damit. I dunno it's weird I feel pretty sad but then I feel like, well bad stuff happens but good stuff happens too?
this probably makes so sense. see this is why I fail at english. it all sounds good in my head and then when I go to say it, it sounds like the biggest crock of shit!?
hmmmmm. I feel kinda bad, my friends planned a day out for today to go to the city and lalala chill out and stuff but man I do not feel up to it kinda. and I have SIX ASSESMENTS. I should get a move on. this will be a pretty crappy weekend probably. fail. oh well I at least look forward to monday ^___^


stay classy

Monday, June 15, 2009


shit I haven't posted in ages.
I guess alot has happened that I haven't written about, but the rest of the world doesn't need to know whats been happening :D
I guess lifes pretty good I actually got full marks for this society and culture work which is awesome cos I never get full marks hellz yeah I r uber nerd.
I think I was on the road to /b/tardness earlier in the week but then there was something that burned mine eyes so now I am on hiatus.
I found out a fellow class member is no longer part of our art class. lame. he was great.
umm.. yeah. I give up on hosting "shindigs" for a while now. the last one was a bit of a flop. sorta.
quizz time ^__^

Are you ready for a long survey that actually has some new questions?
like actually OMFGZ

First off, you like boys right?
boys on film...
ahah what!

Ever kissed a Joe, Kevin, or Nick?
yes one of the above -___-

Do you tend to fall for players?
um no. ew?

Will you have a boyfriend in 2 months?
um no idea.

Have you ever had a best friend?

What does the song you're listening to remind you of?
cadbury eyebrows add haha

Did you have any unread text messages this morning when you woke up?
no! no one txts me!

What did you do today?
school and taking lame pictures with maat or whatever our club name our initials make :/ and then I went to levents house :D

Where was your default picture taken?
for myspace.. um. mine room o.O

Name something you dislike about the day you're having?

Is there anybody you're disappointed in right now?
mmm maybe a little. not a great deal

If you are being extremely quiet what does that mean?
I'm not quite myself

Do you talk about your feelings or hide them?
bit of both maybe..

Are you happy?
yes! :D

Are you a morning person or a night person?
I hate the afternoons!

Do you want to get married?

What were you doing at 1am this morning?
actually awake cos I couldn't sleep :(

Are you wearing something you borrowed from someone?

Have you made a mistake this past week?
um yeah probably

Do you know anyone with the same name as you?

When was the last time you really laughed?
today. I laugh every freakn day!

Have you ever broke a flipflop?
lolflipflop um yeah

Do you get sea sick?
no but I feel sick but I don't throw up :S

Have you ever been involved in a high speed car chase?
um. not quite

Do you own any powerpuff girl stuff?
I used to, long long time agoooo

Who's had their arm around you in the past seven days?

On a daily basis, are you usually signed on to MSN for more than 4 hours?
um probably but I'm like on off

Do you like celery?

Will this weekend be a good one?
well if I end up having plans or something maybe yes..

Where is your biological father right now?
out buying chocolate apprently

Which shoe do you put on first?
maybe left? whatever like it matters haa

Do you think your life story would make a great movie?
probably its had some intresting times...

If you could pick someone to just disappear and nobody would care, who would it be?

Aren't Uggs and Crocs the ugliest shoes ever made?

Is there just some people that you don't get along with?
um yeah.. spawn of satan ogre art teacher

Who have you hugged today?
frands :D

Where did you meet the last person you were in a car with?
first day of school :D

Where were you at 10:30pm last night?

Besides this survey, what are you doing right now?
watching home and away :|

Will you be up before 7am tomorrow?
um. yeah!

Did you kiss anyone today?

What's the best thing that happened to you today?
achievment award! :D

Do you think you'll be married in 5 years?

Are you waiting for something?
hurry up.

What do you wear to bed?
underwear a shirt pj pants socks

Do you like the song "So What" by Pink?
um it's alright i guess

When was the last time you hugged a member of the opposite sex?

Who were you with last night?
just me i spose

Were you happy when you woke up today?
yes :D

If you could change your eye color, would you?

Who did you last get in a BIG argument with?
maybe mila

When will your next kiss be?
soon would be nice haha

Have you ever dated someone named Taylor?

Do you have more than one best friend?
yes ^__^

What were you doing at 8am this morning?
at school being uber newb

Do you like to have long hair or short hair?
long i suppose

What was the weather like today?
freezing but sunny.. awesome :D

Do you want a different hair style?
sometimes when my hairs all weird

What was the last thing you hid?
my phone from the teacher ahhhh

Have you ever been in a physical fight?
kinda sorta

Last person you texted?

What did you do this afternoon?
went to levents house and chilled and chatted and watched qaf and he helped with extension!

When was the last time you were truly sad?
um maybe yesterday for like a teeny bit then i wa slike ahh fuck it

What kind of mood are you in now?
tired but gr8888

What's making you be in that mood?

For the most part, do you like your life?
yeah pretty much always even when it's bad or whatever that's just life man

later days :D

Saturday, June 6, 2009

strange days have found me

yknow what's weird?
those times when you zone out.. you know when you just stare at one particular spot and time stops for a little while while you stare insecently not noticing anything around you? I just had one of those moments it's so weird because I don't even know what goes through my mind when it happens it's just like your physical being is taking a break while you focus on staring in one spot just thinking but.. not thinking? haha yes weird indeed.

anyways. I haven't blogged for a while which is a bit shit because now I'll have to do an intensely long recap.. nah flag that. basically the gist of my life right now is everything is quite fantastic. last friiiday I went with a bunch of frands to see angels and demons which had potential to be quite a fascinating movie except I was giggling and generally distracted the whole time ^__^ yeah anyways afterwards the gang and I ventured into the depths of parramatta late at night.. yeah it was pretty fun it reminded me of time in wellington with my old pals. good times.
and then later a bunch of people slept over and it was a bit arkward because I live in poverty and lacked good food and proper sleeping shit. haha sorry guyesz. :D
yeah and then saturday was like extreme parramatta day... all four of us spent the whole day doing all this random crap like we caught the loop and sat in parramatta park and went to city extra and all this random stuff, quite spontaneuos of us aha.
yeah. then sunday I watched empire records OMFG if your reading this, stop reading this and go and watch the movie!

yeah. ever scince exams ended, or rather started I guess, I have learnt absolutely nothing substanial at school. it's actually like a bludge everyday and then next weak we have monday off because of queens bdizzle.
hmm. I wonder what queeny bo beeny does for her 'special' day. does she add an extra scone and busicuit to her silver fuckin platter!? I don't understand why the monarchy is still present in modern times because kings and queens are completely irrelevant when you have politicians and government to force laws down your throat. no but actually what is the role of the queen? what a bitch. all she does is age on the back of our coins. hahaha no but seirously every year she gets progressively wrinklier. hahaha wow I can't spell -__-

on thursday I went to a careers expo and I thought it'd be a real eye opener. not even! last time I went I got like 12 free pens and then this time! wtf! I got fuckin lollies. LOLLIES!??!?! I H8 LOLLIES!!!! god damn it. anyways I think maybe music would be an intresting career aspiration or someshit except I can't really play anything extremely awesomely. I suppose I can play guitar but I mean it's not like I am a prophecy sent from the heavens. I need more theory lessons.. a fuck this. what else was there... oh. well I tried to get as much info as I could about social science/anthropology yaddayaddayadda... and well no one really helped me that much. what a waste of 4 periods. I missed out on art prac. hmph.

lately I've been getting headaches.
they suck.

anyways. today was a pretty grand day I went with courtney and levent to newtown to chill and shit and it was brilliant! we walked down and around and alalala and went to some nifty book stores and music stores and the vinnies there was quite swell when we worked up an appeitite and went to this cute japanese place and ate sushi which I kind of failed at because my chopstick skillz were utterly SHIT! yeah. and then we went to this extremely awesome/over-priced icecream place and I tried a peice of chilli-chocolate and would no reccomend it if you don't like spicy food because it's quite spicy. eugh. and then to top it all off we stopped at this mini wini market and all the clothings was $5 and me and courtney were like shweet and we each got a dress. I got this like.. blue polkydotted gossip-girl esque dress. it needs shortening but otherwise quite nice ^__^
yeah I also gottt a matt and kim cd for like 8 bucks. fuck I love matt and kim.
and also a compliation cd made by muse with all these random tracks on it and theres one by the flaming lips who I've been meaning to listen to so perhaps it's a sign from god telling me to get into them! and plus, it was $3 so I kind of had to buy it.
I also made a great find because I found jane austens "emma" amoungst some really old books for like $2. and what adds to it's appeal is the fact is from 1919 so its extremely delicate and olddddddd. old books are amazing. in this one book shop I picked up a book that was published in about 1890 or something I was like HOLY SHIT mostly cos of that AND the fact it was $500. what a hefty profit the shop owner will make some day.
the 1800's remind me of bram stokers "dracula". shit. shitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshitshit. I was ment to finish that like last term. I don't even think I'm halfway. woops.

time to watch the office.
I think one day I might end up like micheal.
eh, it happens :D

later days!